Welcome to Loved: Mental Health Care Packs. We are on a mission to create free of charge mental health care packs with resources, comfort items, and most importantly letters and notes of love and encouragement. For those who cannot receive a physical pack, they can revive a virtual one with the same booklet and letters. While this doesn’t sound like much, it can mean the world to someone else. It’s a beautiful way of saying “someone really does care.” We are currently in the funding stage and would appreciate any donations. If you are unable to financially donate, you are able to write notes and letters to be included in both physical and virtual care packs!
If you would like to write a letter to be included in one of our packs, please follow the (few) guidelines below and email it to
Please send your letter in an attached document, not on the email. This makes it easier to print or send. It can be a Word Document or a Google Doc.Please be positive and avoid any words that may be triggering to others. (i.e. s*lf h*rm, s*icide, etc.) We can refuse a letter if it is deemed too triggering or unsuitable to send. Please keep your letter no more than one page long.
Thank you!
Hello, and welcome to Loved! I may be just 18, but I have started to work to try and fight for what I believe in - LGBTQ+ rights, and more importantly here getting rid of the stigma around mental health - trust me, I’ve been there. I hope this act of positivity can help!